Friday, December 14, 2007

Semester in Hawaii

I've finished the first semester of what has been a very difficult Korean studies program so for. The final presentation was yesterday. I spoke for 35 minutes about Koreas most esteemed and most controversial President--a guy named Pak Jung Hee. I never would have guessed two years ago when I was pouring over Shakespeare and Browning that I could take such an interest in a person that is so obscure to the western world and all that I know and am familiar with. But it has been good. I feel good about the fruits of the semester and have few days now before returning to the land of ice and snow to soak in the sun on the beaches. My roomate and I took a beating today in the 10 ft waves at Maka Pu'u on the east shore. It's thrilling and terrifying at the same time.

For the first time in the season I'm actually thinking about Christmas. Funny, yet understandable, I'm really looking forward to the snow and cold weather. It's not Christmas without it. I hear Bing Crosby singing on the radio here and look out and see only blue skys and palm trees and have to laugh.

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