Wednesday, April 9, 2008


i'm just rolling out of bed at 12:30. can't afford this. not any more. the light on the banyon tree outside is already high and dull. the morning winds have died to a lull. why do they trim that grass so much. i'll just have to ignore it. there are bigger fish to fry today and class starts in an hour. the longest class of the week. 합반. 난 왜이래...기운이 왜없을까...부분적으로...well that's a good sign. I'm thinking in korean more. miles to go before I sleep though. and i just got up. maybe those smoothies aren't helping. she said not to drink cold stuff. makes sense really. all the cold soaking up all the heat in the pit of the stomach. some pepperment oil should help. and that toe. more filing and more tea-tree oil. can't expect things so bad to get well in a day or after just one application. it took years to get that way. i've got to be willing to wait it out--see it out to the end. that's that kind of fasting Isaiah ment in 58. breaking from food was layer one. though i need to do that too. haven't done that in a while. well theres only room for so much. what was all that about josh and i moving that fridge around. dreams. all night moving a fridge. no wonder i'm still exhausted. and didn't in end with the fridge in the same place it started. yikes. only up to minutes and already its throbbing. enough thinking. be don't think. give those wires a break. hot water. that's what i need. and some bob marley too. i don't want to wait in vain. knock knock knock. 'and I still can knock some more'. yeah i need to knock more. 6 more months gone and i haven't knocked on any doors. cute enough girls here. byron's right. 'in time' doesn't mean 'in eternity'. and the Lord won't move a parked car. oh old joe. he was right. and he's in fifth gear now with marilyn. alright. enough of the should dos. got to stop shoulding myself. class in just less than an hour. hot water and then get to it.


Shanna said...

That was interesting. I loved the part about the lord not moving a parked true! Dr. Laura said that when you are burned out, you aren't having enough fun in your life and that hit me hard. . . I need to have more fun, take time with the kids. Challenge, I will stop and play with my kids and you go on 3 dates!?!?

Mark and Kandice said...

Hey Stevie I hope you and Aubrey are having fun in Europe. We have a blog too so it will be fun to keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

have fun in europe! can't wait to hear all about it! loved reading your thoughts...